Furniture, powderpost, and carpet beetles may have unknowingly hitchhiked when you bring fresh vegetables, flowers, or even your clothes into your home.
Don’t Overlook Beetles!
We frequently overlook the potential damage of beetles as opposed to the most common household pests like rats, ants, termites, and wasps.
Environmentally Friendly Beetle Control
Our specialists only use the safest methods that do zero environmental harm. As a result, you can contribute to reducing the carbon footprint that causes irreversible damage to the earth while you get rid of the beetles for good.
It’s as easy as
Call the experts immediately if you suspect a beetle infestation in your home.
Our highly trained exterminators will first conduct a comprehensive investigation to determine the extent of the infestation.
See results in one 1-7 days, depending on the severity of your situation.
Safe & Effective Methods
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Call, or text us if you have any concerns about Beetles.
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Carpet beetles, belonging to the family Dermestidae, are small insects that can be found in various habitats worldwide.
Habitat – They are commonly found indoors, infesting carpets, upholstered furniture, and stored natural fibers. These beetles are not limited to carpets alone; they also feed on a variety of organic materials such as fur, feathers, wool, and silk.
Diet – Their diet includes dead insects as well. Carpet beetles have a scavenging behavior, feeding on protein-rich materials. Their presence in homes is often unwelcome, as they can cause damage to fabrics and other household items.
Appearance – In terms of appearance, carpet beetles are small and oval-shaped, ranging in size from 1/16 to 1/8 inch. They have intricate patterns on their elytra (wing covers), with a combination of white, yellow, and brown markings. Additionally, their bodies are covered in fine hairs. Although carpet beetles can be a nuisance, proper cleaning, regular vacuuming, and maintaining good hygiene can help prevent infestations and minimize their impact on homes.

Grain beetles, also known as stored product beetles, are common pests that infest stored grains and other food products. These beetles belong to various families, including the Sitophilus and Tribolium genera.
Habitat – They can be found in a wide range of habitats, including homes, warehouses, and food processing facilities.
Diet – Grain beetles are attracted to and feed on a variety of dry food products, such as rice, flour, cereals, and dried fruits.
Appearance – Their presence can result in contaminated and damaged food, leading to economic losses and potential health hazards. In terms of appearance, grain beetles are generally small and compact insects, ranging in size from 2 to 5 millimeters. They have hard, shiny bodies that can vary in color, ranging from reddish-brown to black. Their bodies are cylindrical in shape, with well-developed chewing mouthparts.
To prevent infestations, it is important to store food items properly, ensuring they are sealed in airtight containers and regularly inspecting and discarding any infested products.

Drugstore beetles, scientifically known as Stegobium paniceum, are common pests that infest stored food products and a variety of dried plant materials.
Habitat – These beetles are found worldwide and are particularly prevalent in pharmacies, hence their name. However, they can also be found in homes, grocery stores, and warehouses.
Diet – Drugstore beetles have a broad diet, feeding on a range of items including grains, spices, herbs, dried fruits, and even prescription drugs. They are notorious for their ability to chew through packaging materials, causing contamination and damage to stored goods.
Appearance – In terms of appearance, drugstore beetles are small, measuring around 2 to 3 millimeters in length. They have an elongated oval-shaped body and are typically reddish-brown in color. Their bodies are covered in tiny hairs and have distinct grooves running along their wing covers.
Recognizing the signs of infestation, such as small holes in packaging and the presence of tiny beetles or larvae, is crucial for taking timely preventive measures such as proper storage and regular inspection of stored goods.

Ground beetles, scientifically known as Carabidae, are a diverse family of beetles with a wide range of species found worldwide.
Habitat – They are predominantly found in terrestrial habitats, including forests, grasslands, gardens, and agricultural fields. Ground beetles play a vital role in ecosystem balance as they are voracious predators, feeding on a variety of insects, spiders, and other invertebrates.
Diet – Their diet helps control populations of pests and contributes to the overall health of ecosystems.
Appearance – These beetles have a diverse range of appearances, but they generally have elongated bodies with a flattened shape. They often have dark coloration, including shades of black, brown, or metallic hues. Ground beetles are characterized by their powerful mandibles and long legs, which enable them to move swiftly and capture their prey.
Their ability to fly also allows them to cover larger distances. Ground beetles are beneficial insects that contribute to natural pest control, making them a valuable asset in maintaining the ecological balance of their habitats.

Ladybugs, also known as ladybirds or lady beetles, are beloved insects known for their vibrant colors and beneficial role in gardens and agricultural fields.
Habitat – They can be found in a variety of habitats worldwide, including gardens, meadows, and forests. Ladybugs are particularly attracted to areas abundant in plants, as they rely on plant pests as their primary food source.
Diet – These charming beetles feed on aphids, mealybugs, scale insects, and other soft-bodied pests, acting as natural predators that help control pest populations.
Appearance – Ladybugs are recognized by their distinct appearance, featuring round or oval bodies with a convex shape. They come in a range of colors, including red, orange, yellow, and black, often adorned with spots or patterns. These bright colors serve as a warning to potential predators, signaling their unpalatability and toxicity.
Ladybugs are cherished by gardeners and farmers for their pest control services, making them valuable allies in maintaining healthy plant ecosystems.
Lady Bug Services
Asian lady beetles, scientifically known as Harmonia axyridis, are a species of ladybug that originated in Asia but has now spread to various regions across the globe.
Habitat – These beetles can be found in diverse habitats, including gardens, forests, and agricultural fields.
Diet – Asian lady beetles have a broad diet, feeding on aphids, mites, scale insects, and other soft-bodied pests. They are highly beneficial insects, providing natural pest control services and helping to protect crops and plants.
Appearance – In terms of appearance, Asian lady beetles are similar to other ladybugs, but they exhibit more color variations. They can range from yellow to orange to red, and they often have black spots on their wing covers. However, one distinguishing feature of Asian lady beetles is the presence of a variable number of black “M” or “W” shaped markings on their thorax.
These beetles are known for their propensity to gather in large numbers, particularly during the fall season when they seek shelter for overwintering. While their ecological contributions are appreciated, their aggregating behavior can sometimes lead to nuisance issues in residential areas.